Oxnard Boudoir video and photography

Oxnard’s Elite boudoir and sexy video experience

Red sash photography is a premier boudoir photography and video experience located in Southern California. In Oxnard, our team of boudoir photographers and videographers are experts in making you feel empowered, sexy, and confident.


Everyone deserves to feel sexy and confident. When you partner with us for your boudoir experience, it's going to be a fun time where you are making a memory for a lifetime! We are here for every step of your journey: from posing tips and tricks that will make you shimmy in all the right places, or showing off those curves just so, maybe it's time for some playful video shoots that highlight what makes YOU so beautiful and unique. You deserve this wonderful opportunity because every woman deserves a boudoir session with a professional photographer.

We offer boudoir sessions for clients in Ventura, Port Hueneme, Camarillo, Simi Valley, Westlake Village, Agoura Hills and the surrounding areas of Ventura County.

woman on her bed wearing black and red lingerie

Boudoir Services Offered in Oxnard


1. Boudoir Photography: We offer several Stye options to help empower you during your time with us. Our boudoir shoots are custom tailored to bring out the sexy and confident you. Every session starts with an initial call so we can get to know more about you and how to best serve. you.

2. Boudoir Video: This is the newest and hottest way to show your curves. If a photo says a thousand words imaging what your video will say. Your boudoir video is set around a theme and we work together to come up with the final result that is all about you!

3. Special Boudoir Keepsakes: We create custom leather boudoir albums for our photos, and also have the ability to create digital video books to showcase that amazing video.

Boudoir photo in front of window

About Red Sash Boudoir Photography


Oxnard’s Best Boudoir Photography Experience, Red sash photography, has earned the reputation of being provocative and classy with their boudoir sessions. Just check out those google reviews. Ventura County native and lead boudoir photographer Scott, allows his clients to feel empowered and helps bring out the “sexy” in you.

Remember, Boudoir is a symbol of feminine confidence and strength that icons like Marilyn Monroe have basked in for decades. we understand that confidence is something you might be working on, and we are proud that you are pushing yourself to recognize how beautiful you are.

At our shoots we help build you up, and through our photos or video, show you exactly how amazing you are. You will be in a safe place where you can be fully authentic and show off your curves in ways you may never have before. You will love your results!


To learn more about red sash boudoir photography and to see more photos and videos please click here to visit our home page. thank you for considering us as your journey into boudoir begins!

Let’s talk about your Boudoir Shoot