Videographer For Private, Professional Sex Videos

How can I find someone to film me having sex?

“My partner just told me that it would be a huge turn on to have someone make a private sex video of us. She said in the past she never would have considered it, but now that we have been together for a few years, she wants to spice things up a bit. She said it had to be straight business with the videographer and she was not interested in having a friend do it or wanting someone to join in with us. I'm not opposed to her idea, but I am unsure about how to make this happen for her.”

intimate couples video

For many couples, keeping the spice in their relationship is a challenge. Especially with all the distractions going on in the world today. With the popularity growing in the world of intimate sex videos, many couples (and Individuals too) are turning to the idea of creating a professional adult video but don’t quite know how to get started.


Until now, it was either call a friend (if they happen to have a good camera), or break out the old phone and see what it could do. Both options just aren’t what we recommend if your looking for a professional quality production that serves as a relationship building experience for you.

Let’s also talk about privacy. In order to work with Red Sash Photography, you will have to sign an agreement that explicitly spells out style of the shoot and how the content of your video will be delivered to you (once it is finished). we never share/send/or show your content to anyone outside of our team without your written consent. Although we want every couple to experience intimacy at this level, we are not right for everyone. IF we determine that we are not the right fit for you, we will do our best to refer you to others in the business. More on that below.

A Sex-positive Relationship building Experience

When a couple shares intimate or sexual thoughts and ideas with each other, they are investing in the longevity of their relationship. Erotic Experiences provide insight into your partner’s fantasies, which can be a big relief for people who are more shy when it comes to talking about them. Aside from learning more about a partner’s desires, couples who invest in their sex life discover new things about themselves they otherwise may have never known.


It is no secret that having an intimate video produced can be a nerve-wracking idea if your new to this type of thing, but… somewhere between the “I really want to this” and the “I can’t possibly do this” is where we can help.

Red Sash Photography is all about empowering both women and couples to explore their erotic fantasies, and we give each of our client couples the opportunity to build their bonds stronger by doing such an intimate act together. past clients tell us all the time that this was one of the best experiences they have had and it helped strengthen their relationship for the long-term as a result.

Many of our clients travel from all over the country to visit us. IF you are interested in doing a shoot, we can recommend several ways on how to make it an amazing individual or couples retreat. Just let us know ahead of time.

Masturbation Scenes for women

Doing a sensual video doesn’t have to be for couples only. As you can see from our videos, we also provide professional erotic video services for women who want to do something really hot for themselves, or for a gift to their significant other.


Female masturbation scenes are very popular of course, and our clients are supported and encouraged to express themselves without limits and always free from judgement. We support all women wanting to be sexually expressive, and will always provide a professional atmosphere for exploration.

Have fun, be free, explore

Red Sash Photography is a professional photography and videography service that truly understands that this type of intimate experience can be transformative for both an individual and as a couple. we encourage everyone to explore and have fun with being a sexual human being. Red Sash Photography provides a sex-positive place to truly let go.


looking for someone to film an erotic video of you?

Since you have found your way to this section of our website, we are going to assume that you are looking for an erotic experience that involves some lights, a camera (or two), and some action! Having a professional videographer helps you in so many ways. For one, you can leave all the “nerdy” camera stuff to us. It is our job to capture you in the best light, film you using the correct angles, and to allow you the freedom to explore everything that you are wanting without having to stop and move a camera.

sexy woman posing

WARNING - We are not your amateur type video service. Red Sash Photography provides high-end professional videography that just happens to be erotic, sensual, intimate and did we say Hot? Your experience with us is custom tailored from day one, and it will be everything you want it to be. How can you be so sure?

It’s our process and experience.

Once you contact us, we will set up a time to chat on the phone. We want to get to know you a little and why you are wanting to do this. We go through the entire process step by step and make sure that we are a good fit for you. And guess what? Sometimes we aren’t and that is OK. we will do our best to connect you with someone else you may better serve you.

erotic couple

Videographer to make a porn video of me

Red Sash Photography provides professional video services to real, everyday people who are looking to feel empowered, and those that want to build strong, meaningful connections within themselves and with their partner(s). We understand that many people who are searching for this type of erotic experience use the word porn, or amateur homemade porn as a search term, but we want you to know and clearly understand that we are not a porn company.

homemade Erotic videos

From talking with our past clients we know that people who are looking for for an erotic video experience have difficulty finding a reputable company to do it, especially when searching online right?! And let’s face it…. You are probably not going to go you your local video guy for something like this.


Red Sash Photography has earned the reputation of not only being professional and well respected but is highly recognized as one of the best videography services to work with for personal and couples sensual videos. Our clients seek us out from all over the U.S. and we tend to book out months in advance. We can be flexible for that last minute decision if your in town, but we highly recommend reaching out well in advance so your experience with us can be truly amazing.

Sensual video of me and my partner

If you are looking for an experience that is sensual, erotic, and sexy this is it. Red Sash Photography is a professional video service that helps individuals and couples live out their fantasies is a safe, sex-positive, and supportive environment. If you are looking for something like this but aren’t sure about all the details don’t worry. Fill out the form below and we will get back with you and answer any questions that you have. We want to educate, and inform you so you can make the best decision possible for you and your relationship.

private couple having sex

Understanding the Costs:

Think of our video productions much like a wedding video except we film the stories that happen behind closed doors. Our productions are with video experts that use professional cameras, lighting, and editing software to make your video look and feel cinematic, professional, and amazing.

Costs for a solo female video start at $750 while couples videos start at $3,000 depending on what is required for your specific project. These videos are so custom that it is impossible for us to give you an exact cost until we determine how many scenes you want, how long the final video needs to be, and any special accommodations that need to be made (location, travel…).

Interested in having an erotic video experience, or want to ask some questions? Fill out the form below and we will get right back to you.